Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Welcome to my business blog

So you clicked a link to get here or you stumbled across, either way many thanks I'm happy you are here.
I am a stay home mom who is taking the chemicals out of our bath products by making and using only all natural products and I will be selling the items that I make. Currently I carry lotion bars, bath fizzies/bombs, lip balm, and sugar/salt scrubs. I use all natural ingredients, no preservatives.
If you are like I was not that long ago, you're probably thinking that the chemicals and preservatives in the shampoo, lotion and such that you use won't hurt you. But they do. Everything that goes on our skin gets absorbed in as well. Years ago people lived a simple life. They had to raise or catch their own meat, grow and harvest their own veggies, fruits, nuts and grains and make their own bath products. What they couldn't or didn't grow, raise, catch or gather they traded, bartered or bought, but most people didn't have enough money to buy anything, so they would go without. If they couldn't make it they would generally do without.
Then someone got the wise idea to start making and selling their items and this enabled people to obtain what they could not or did not know how to make. They were all natural. Zip forward to today. Corporations are now the big folks, who make the stuff we "need". They have tricked most people into thinking that chemicals and preservatives are necessary for bath products. But they aren't, they are harmful. I believe that if it is not found in nature then it is not safe. Some things do require preservatives and some are not as harmful as others, but I do not use them in my products.
Since I homeschool I am teaching my children to be self-sufficient, know exactly what they are putting on and into their bodies and how to be healthy. As they watch my business grow from the ground up (just as a plant starts as a seed) they will learn the sacrificies it takes to make a business grow and thrive.

If you be so inclined to help me reach my monetary goal by donating I'd greatly appreciate it. All monies raised will be used toward getting equipment, ingredients, and such for the business. Even if you cannot donate please help get the word out by passing on the link. The following links may be used to donate money.
Many thanks and blessed be!

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